

Legal documentation is a real headache if you do not have the necessary legal concepts.


The legal documentation whether you are resident or naturalized in Spain is a real headache if you do not have the necessary legal concepts to develop the binding legal document. Therefore, it is advisable to turn to a specialized tax advisor who:

  • Manage the necessary documentation for compliance with the requirements established by law.

  • Help define the specific situations in which to make use of the power of attorney.

What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney consists of a document that authorizes a third party to perform actions of legal representation, but in order to be in accordance with the law, it must be drafted before a notary public.

The main purpose of the power of attorney is to carry out legal procedures without the need for the holder to be physically present. In other words, it consists of transferring to a third party the capacity to represent the company.

Management and Advisory Services

Content of a power of attorney in Spain

In order to properly execute the power of attorney, both the attorney-in-fact and the principal must appear before a notary and fill out the following documentation:

  • First and last name.
  • Address
  • Identity card.
  • Place where the document is signed.
  • Date of signature of the power of attorney
  • Name of the notary public.
  • City where the power of attorney is executed.
  • Object of the power.
  • Rights granted to the principal.
  • Details of the witnesses who were present at the time of signing.
  • Signatures of the parties involved.
  • Notary seal.

In Spain, powers of attorney are grouped into:

  • General powers of attorney. The document is created to make possible the loyal representation in several matters such as the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • Special powers of attorney. They are characterized by having a limited duration due to the particularity of the actions.
  • Preventive powers of attorney. In general, this is done in anticipation of the possibility that the holder of the power of attorney may suffer a disability that would allow him/her to make certain decisions.

In case of being a foreigner resident in Spanish territory, the power of attorney can be granted before a Spanish notary without any inconvenience, as long as the current legislation is complied with, so it is advisable to consult a lawyer specialized in the matter.

Don’t worry about legal details and red tape. Simplify your legal procedures abroad with our power of attorney services.

In what situations may you need a power of attorney abroad?

  • Power of attorney for real estate transactions: If you are buying or selling a property abroad, a power of attorney will allow you to give someone the ability to sign contracts and make all the necessary arrangements on your behalf.

  • 2. Power of attorney for commercial matters: If you have international business, a power of attorney will help you designate a trusted person to represent you in commercial agreements, negotiations or signing contracts abroad.

  • 3. Power of attorney for legal and judicial matters: If you face litigation or need to take legal action in another country, a power of attorney will allow you to appoint a legal representative to act on your behalf before foreign courts.

  • 4. These are just a few examples, but there are many other situations in which a foreign power of attorney can be useful.

Personalized advice

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.