If you are a foreigner in Spain at the time of acquiring a property, surely you have considered what is the procedure to carry out a correct transmission to your heirs the day it is necessary.
Management and Advisory Services
If you are a foreigner in Spain at the time of acquiring a property, surely you have considered what is the procedure to carry out a correct transmission to your heirs the day it is necessary.
In order to carry out a correct transfer of assets, it is advisable to make a will in order to speed up the inheritance procedures, avoiding setbacks and gaining greater security in the procedure.
Management and Advisory Services – Inheritance for your assets in Spain
How does inheritance law apply to foreigners in Spain?
With the entry into force on July 4, 2012 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council number 650/2012, it is established that in Spain the law corresponding to the country of residence of the deceased person who is the owner of the assets will be applied.
The objective of this regulation is to streamline the inheritance procedures of European countries, applying the law of the country of residence and not that of their nationality.
However, if the will states that the procedure should be carried out taking into account the country of nationality, this should be the law to be applied.
However, if one thing is clear, it is that having a will in Spain is essential to simplify the process for the heirs.
Management and Advisory Services
What should be taken into account when making a will?
In order for a will to be legal, it must be notarized.
It is advisable to have professional advice to know the ins and outs of inheritance law in Spain.
It should be taken into account that in Spain by law the forced heirs (children and/or direct relatives) are entitled to two thirds of the inheritance.
Advantages of making a will